Flash On The Beach 2006
What can I say: Flash On The Beach 06' was the best conference I've been to in the 4 years I've been going to these things. Between the venue, quality of speakers, content, learning advanced parts of Flash (AS3 & design patterns) it was just brilliant and I didn't want it to End.
Started w/ a lack of sleep for about 40 hours - only to move furniture at 7am after 3 hours of sleep to make room for a new couch for an unnamed AS guru, losing my hearing for 2 days (really..was scary), roaming the streets of London aimlessly and loving it - it's one of the most interesting and beautiful cities in the world filled w/ museums, winding cobble stone streets, history beyond belief....
Next: bus/train to Brighton, and then to top it with very easily the best conference of 2006 which is why I went in the first place. I got to meet the creme de la creme of Flashers and many talented colleagues that until now I have only known from forums and IM. I got to put faces to many many names and can now call several of them friends.
I'd have to say Aral's session on the CEO was my favorite just because it really hit home (Waterfall). It's very true: "complexity happens; simplicity you have to strive for". The gist was working from the outside in.. start w/ the client, their needs and wants, and get your "Stories" laid out by working outside in and deliver components quickly thus avoid mistakes using Extreme Programming techniques he outlines in his session notes.
Also, Branden Hall & Tinks AS3 sessions pop out as great ones too. Erik Natzke didn't fail to deliver. Keith Peters, Richard Leggett and Francis Bourre all demystified some complex subjects about AS3 and flash lite. Hoss Gifford gave a session I think nobody there will ever forget... what's wrong with a little penis on the Adobe site? Good luck finding it though. Glad to be home where my dollar is worth a dollar and not 50 pence, but I had an amazing time and learned a lot which is what it was all about.