
Flash, Flex, & Fun.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Flash VR 360 Cubic Pano in pure AS3

I've been collaborating a little bit with a developer in Russia named Denis V. Chumakov and I have been lucky enough to help with some of the feature ideas of his cubic player.

Here's my go at using Denis' code as it relates to my field.. automotive. You can zoom in/out w/ the scroll wheel.. the FPS blows me away. This was so impossible to pull off just a few months ago.. I'm giddy about this one.. You can zoom w/ the scroller... after zooming, hit Home to reset.

This is only 6 cubic images - in groups of 400 pics per cube = 2400 pics mapped... it's pretty darn seamless.

Mercedes Cubic-VR

He will have a full functioninng API by Flash 9 release. There seems to be a lot of AS3 panos cropping up and I couldn't be more thrilled.

Elliott Roguish sent me this today too...one w/ hotspots on Andre' Michelle.

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Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Peanut Butter Jelly-hOOooooooooo!

Great manifesto... sparkling fountain of frustration and a big dash of admiration...

They have a lot of overlap and need to choose a non-Googlistic path of trying to be everything to everyone...thus, also a non-Everclear road.

Factoid: In 2000 AOL was worth 200 billion. Today under 20. Their optimistic goal is 26 Billion for 2007!! Wow have things changed for them.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Flabbygums finally started a blog!

Here goes post #1

I had a very informal hour-long meeting w/ the CEO and VP of DoubleClick yesterday. They came to my work and were doing a public relations round w/ key clients and just wanted our feedback on DART/ Motif service/Flash-in-Flash, and a new in-stream tracking system for video. They also now offer creative assistance.

With the support of Ad-ID, Motif for In-Stream, it will allow online video reporting to be tailored to the needs of media buyers from the traditional television realm. I think this is huge because in the end that's when a check is cut - ie. when a marketer matches up an ad buy CPM with an impression pixel. Non-accountability has been a gripe of media buyers...still..last I read, online ad revenue is up 30% from this time last year and will grow from 700 million to 3 billion in the next 2 or 3 years. It's a good time to be involved in rich media.

If you don't know about flash-in-flash, it's a very cool set of DoubleClick classes you apply that enable tracking of about 100 different metrics - some mundane, inside of flash.
Also a way to serve in-Flash rich media ads via actionscript tags in addition to the usual html/javascript tag.

DoubleClick has always amazed me, they've survived and prospered quietly all these years and flown under the radar of the average user. I was invited to their data center South of Denver. I just might take them up on the offer.

I was interested and asked them if they had heard anything of Flash 9, AS3 and Apollo. Neither could say yes - granted this was the ceo and vp and they have "people" who get paid to know about it.

I can really see Apollo having a huge effect on rich media ads and impression counting. They asked me to fill them in on flash 9 and Apollo and and I was happy to oblige. The more support it gets for tracking the better for developers.