Stumble Upon
"Hi, my name is Michael....and I'm an addicted Stumbler......'HI MICHAEL!'..."
I know a lot of my colleagues are Twitter happy these days, and perhaps, like the movie Babel, it will slowly grow on me. For now I don't really understand the allure of Twitter but trying to keep an open mind. I'm a Stumble Upon addict. Since I joined SU in August 2005 it's grown into a really nice social favorites sharing tool. Simply click and you see interesting sites defined by you, your colleagues, lovers, friends, topics of interest to you etc.. and it integrates nicely into a Firefox add-on toolbar. I was pensive and then very relieved two years ago after the install that it wasn't riddled with mal/spy/ad ware. It just seemed too good to be true. So, when you need your fix of a new fresh interesting site...and meet people who like the sites you's just a click away. Maybe I'll start Twittering that I'm using Stumble Upon....or Stumble Upon the Twitter site.