Adobe on front page of Wall Street Journal Online
Hard to believe this made front page news...nevertheless some people feel cheated that they didn't get their logo into the Acrobat File>Meun> "print this at FedEx/Kinkos". Seems Adobe may not have talked to these printing groups before making the undisclosed deal with FedEx. The article makes it sound as if upon launching the Acrobat to create a PDF, you're greeted a giant "PRINT HERE AT FEDEX/KINKOS". Well, hardly. In fact this is what you see in the drop down menu. And this is only highlighted because my cursor was on it. I wouldn't normally care about this but they liken it to when Microsoft only had Internet Explorer on Windows and argued they made it hard to open up the browser to competition like Netscape/Mozilla etc.. I guess I can see a small point here, but this FedEx/Kinkos link is more of a marketing partnership ad deal as opposed to Microsoft was mabye keeping propitiatory to keep the monopoly alive as long as possible. I don't know any other national chains who can print a book on a moments notice either. If there's many more printing houses that can benefit from having their link on the menu...I would suggest making an AIR app that gets printing quotes from vendors in real time... hmmmmm.