Flash VR 360 Cubic Pano in pure AS3
I've been collaborating a little bit with a developer in Russia named Denis V. Chumakov and I have been lucky enough to help with some of the feature ideas of his cubic player.
Here's my go at using Denis' code as it relates to my field.. automotive. You can zoom in/out w/ the scroll wheel.. the FPS blows me away. This was so impossible to pull off just a few months ago.. I'm giddy about this one.. You can zoom w/ the scroller... after zooming, hit Home to reset.
This is only 6 cubic images - in groups of 400 pics per cube = 2400 pics mapped... it's pretty darn seamless.
Mercedes Cubic-VR
He will have a full functioninng API by Flash 9 release. There seems to be a lot of AS3 panos cropping up and I couldn't be more thrilled.
Elliott Roguish sent me this today too...one w/ hotspots on Andre' Michelle.
Labels: cubic vr, flash vr, pano 360 AS3